KEY STAGE 2 - (Years 3-6)
In key stage 2 a child’s learning becomes more challenging than in key stage 1. Tuition at this stage aims to cover the key elements of the national curriculum learnt in school, with an aim to fill the gaps, challenge your child and further their knowledge . As we can tailor the tuition to suit your child’s specific needs, we initially discuss to identify any specific difficulties and work on those primarily and then extend the tuition to improve the child’s level and challenge their level of knowledge and ultimately improve their performance at school.
These are the main areas your tutor will aim to cover:
Literacy​ -

- Comprehension – Ordering and matching information, expressing opinion, comparing text.
- Literature – Fiction and Non-Fiction, Poetry, Understanding characters.
- Language – Structure and Variation, Similes, Metaphors and Personification, Alliteration Assonance, Onomatopoeia, Connectives and Clauses.
- Verbal Reasoning.
Writing -

- ​Composition – Letter Writing, Formal and Informal Letters, Fiction and Non-Fiction, Media-based texts (Newspaper articles), Persuasive Writing (Leaflets and Brochures).
- Spelling and Handwriting – Prefixes and Suffixes.
- Punctuation and Grammar – Language Structure, Paragraphs, Speech Marks, Sentences, Apostrophes, Comparatives and Superlatives.
Maths -

Problem Solving:

- ​Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division
- Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Place Value
- Negative Numbers
Number Patterns
- Money
- Time
Shape, Space and Measure:

- Area, Perimeter and Volume
- Reflective and Rotational Symmetry
2D and 3D Shapes
- Imperial and Metric Units
Shape, Space and Measure:

- Mode, Median, Mean and Range
- Frequency
Bar and Line Graphs
- Probability